
All Day

Lunch Menu | Jan 20

The Centre 10052-117 St. NW, Edmonton

Lentil SoupBaked Rotini Salad, Dessert

Event Series YOGA Classes

YOGA Classes

Virtual Event Virtual Event

YOGA Classes We are looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday mornings at 9:00am to 10:00am.  Monday mornings @ 9:00a.m.–10:00a.m. Old and new faces are very WELCOME in-person & via Zoom! Please register Fee: $7 drop-in or card of 10 classes $60 Instructor: Sandy Mah

Event Series Young At Heart Choir Rehersals

Young At Heart Choir Rehersals

The Centre 10052-117 St. NW, Edmonton

Will start rehearsals on Mondays at 10am. Join our wonderful choir! Choir fee is $50 for the Fall-Winter period (you will receive a $25 tax receipt). All choir participants must be paid members of the Centre. All choir participants must be paid members of the Centre.